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Starter code for the Duke project

User Guide


Display all Tasks

User can view all the tasks and its completion status as indicated with a tick or cross.

Addition of New Task

User can choose to add task of different types (Todo, Deadline, Event)

Marking Task as Completed

User can indicate tasks as done.

Removal of Task

User can delete task that he/ she deems irrelevant.

Searching of Task

User can search of Task that matches the search keyword


todo <task_description> - Adding a Todo task

Adding a task with the todo type

Example of usage Expected outcome
todo read book Got it. I’ve added this task: [T][✘] read book

deadline <deadline_description> /by <date> - Adding a Deadline Task

Adding a task with the deadline type

Example of usage Expected outcome
deadline return book /by june 6th Got it. I’ve added this task: [D][✘] return book (by: june 6th)

event <event_description> /at <date> - Adding a Event Task

Adding a task with the event type

Example of usage Expected outcome
event project meeting /at Aug 6th 2-4pm Got it. I’ve added this task: [E][✘] project meeting (at: Aug 6th 2-4pm)

list - View all tasks in Duke

Displays all task that were added, both completed and uncompleted

Example of usage: list

Example of usage Expected outcome
list 1. [T][✘] read book
2. [D][✘] return book (by: june 6th)
3. [E][✘] project meeting (at: Aug 6th 2-4pm)
4. [T][✘] join sports club
5. [T][✘] borrow book
6. [D][✘] return book (by: Sunday)
7. [E][✘] project meeting (at: Mon 2-4pm)`

done (item_number) - Mark Task as Done

Indicate task as completed by its item number

Example of usage Expected outcome
done 1 Nice! I’ve marked this task as done: [T][✓] read book

delete (item_number) - Delete Specific Task

Remove task by its item number

Example of usage Expected outcome
delete 2 Item No.2 is removed from list

find <search_keyword> - Find Task with the Specified Keyword(s)

Search for tasks that are relevant to the search keyword

Example of usage Expected outcome
find book 1.[T][✓] read book
2.[D][✓] return book (by: June 6th)

bye - Exit the Program

Stop running Duke

Example of usage Expected outcome
bye Bye bye! Talk to me again soon!